Monday, April 5, 2010


Claire and her youngest son Luccas(6), picked me up at the Vallance Ville station around 7 pm ( I had the two valance station confused thus I had to wait a little but no biggie! ) and brought me to Loriol ( I hope im spelling it right). Loriol is a cute little town… population around 6000 ( or that’s what I’ve been told ) it has a nice feel to it.. I got the impression that everyone new one another.. that it was some type of huge family… Claire brought me to the restaurant she worked at, to meet her boss Nono. He’s a pretty intriguing character lived in Montreal for 3 years.. and Mexico for 7 :- ). When we went “home” where I met the rest of the family the family dog (channel) and the 4 cats … ( I don’t remember all their names. But I know one of them was called chips.. lol ). It was all every nice , very nice indeed the next morning I got woken up by Channel and the cats.. laying in my bed :-) hehe We walked to meet up Claire at the restaurant , where she served us amazing food.. I ate this gigantic salad… delicious.. lol ( especially since I’ve been eating granola type crackers for the last couples of days.. lol ) Then I took Luccas to a playground for a bit. After Claire got off of work we went to visit her mother in a home. I like this whole get to know the non tourist-y aspects of towns . Later Luccas and his dad rode bikes while Claire and I walked throught one of the towns public parks.

For dinner Claire invited over her 2nd youngest son Nicholas (28) and she made us crepes! It was great.. very homey ..
Today is the 5th of april around noon time ..and I’m on my way to Lyon to see Ange I’m writing to you guys while I wait for my train.. I think this might become a habit.. writing to you guys while I’m on trains .. or waiting for them.. lol Oh. Side note.. this trip is definitely all about not being shy and ask for help.. Direction.. the time…to use peoples self phones to make a quick call .. I found the all of the the above are all great conversation starters… I wish I had pins or something with me… Rotary style to give everyone I meet a little thank you and souvenir gift… I know.. I know.. I’m going to make them cranes… ah.. pitty .. I didn’t think of this before.. I could of given claire one.. lol.. I guess I’ll start with Ange. Lol.. alright..

Well until next time readers.. stay safe . Thank you for all your facebook messages and email! Keep writing me.. ill do my best to answer as soon as possible. -Xox

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