Monday, April 12, 2010

Barcelona part 1

Espana! Espana!

I left Angelica house at 5.00am to walk to the train station.. to try to catch the train that I had read left at 6.30am... but once I got to the train station.. thanks to the SNCF strike.. it no longer existed... luckily I found other traveler (5 Chinese girls who spoke no french.. and Alexandre a french guy who was on his way to go meet up with his girl friend ) that were going to Barcelona.. and they told me there was a bus that left at 7.30am I waited with time, and chatted the time away... Once the bus got there.. we all found out.. it wasn't direct to Barcelona.. that in fact it went to figueres and from there we had to take a train to Barcelona.. ah the joy of traveling.. lol And soo we did... time went by fast.. since i ended up talking with Alexandre about France, strikes, student manifestation, music.. etc.. all very interesting.. lol he was the first french i met that wasn't fond of his home land...

I was soo exhausted once I got to Barcelona ( and it didn't help that was like 20 Celsius ) I barley had the strength to find my way thought 3 subways.. and walking half a mile to the hostel(check out their website.. its really nice here ) that i finally just crashed and slept until tree of my "roommates" came in ( which woke me up ) but it ended up being alright.. they invited me out to dinner.. it was an Irish girl, an English girl, and a french girl... that were all studying at the same school and decided to go for a short vacation in Barcelona... i went home early though so that I could finally sleep

by the time I finally woke up the next day.. they had already left.. I didn't do much that day either..I was pre-occupied with having to register for my classes next semester via the internet.. lol when I finally got that done.. I took a walk around my new neighborhood, and found a mall.. that had a groceries store.. so I bought food for the week :) by the time i got back to my room.. I had 6 new roommates ... that didn't speak any of the languages i speak.. so we don't communicate much.. but.. that's all right.. one of them.. snores horrible thought.. I wish he didn't lol but that the joy of sleeping in a hostel..

On Tuesday the 13th I was more productive.. ate some complementary breakfast at the hostel.. and I was on my way .. walking to Parc de la Ciutcalella:

which is beautiful, imagine.. this is just on of its ponds.. (check out the pics in the photobucket under Europe>barcelona) and then I walked to the tourist information center, in plaza Catalenya,to get a free map and meet up with a girl i met at breakfast that same day.. we walked around El Raval, had some lunch and then went to the Picasso Museum. I found the Picasso Museum very interesting.. they had a lot of his earlier work... like when he was 15, 16 ... back when he was in art school.. and then studying underneath an other artist... Picasso back then.. actually followed social norms.. and proportions .. and techniques.. the work he did when he was only 15.. is pretty impressive.. his attention to details.. and lighting...

this is an example.. but.. the image doesn't do it justice.. its way better in person.. The museum had a bit of all the periods in his life... it was intriguing to see how he evolved.. seeing paintings for the blue period.. I could really feel his emotions.. coming thought.. and then the red period.. one can see... clearly.. how sex, can can girls.. Paris.. influenced him... the.. superficial.. happiness.. "joy of life" I don't know maybe its just me.. but i felt it.

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