Sunday, May 23, 2010


As soon as the train crossed the Italian borders, it was no longer rainy outside.. the sun had come out over the mountain range…

Italy is a very beautiful country, Its definitely worth checking out just fir the scenery . Once the train stopped at the Verona station I jumped to my feet after the 6 hour ride from Munich ( going through all of Austria ) and step outside into the sunshine! ( after seven days or soo of pure rainy whether… I was glad just to be in the sunshine again) Oriented myself real quick, found the hostel I was staying it.. and then I was of to explore the city.. map-less… thus I was asking every other tourist that I saw if I could see there map for a minute so that I could figure out my next destination… ( lol I know I could of just bought a map.. but this was more fun ! I got to meet a whole bunch of other people this way! ) Verona beautiful, but.. it does look.. like.. um… a tipical Italian city ? lol there’s an old Roman Anfi-theater here which is the 3rd largest left standing in Italy .. ( the first one being the Colosuem I think.. and the 2nd one being the one in Pompei I climb the walls of …) soo umm the 3rd one.. wasn’t all that different.. nor exciting.. but I still went inside of it to check it out ! I also went to Juliet’s house and and did the cliché thing.. and leave a message underneath Juliets window like a million other tourist did…

( which was my main reason for wanting to come and check out Verona.. cheesy.. I know.. I know…. But im happy I did it.! ) I went to a a few other plaza, and churches…

Until next time readers ! I’ m heading back to Perugia! Only a week or soo before im back in the North American Continent! Leave me comments ! xoxo


  1. Le voyage tire à sa fin!! Que de magnifiques images, expériences et rencontres tu as fait! Je suis en Gaspésie, à Bonaventure dans chalet au bord de la mer et je lis ton blog :) Vive Internet!! lolxxxxxx

  2. c'est super! comment est la gaspe ? a tu un blog aussi? ou des photo?

  3. Salut ma belle! Wow et reWow! J'ai bien hâte que tu me raconte tout ça! Dis moi quand vas tu venir à Montréal exactement? Je t'embrasse xxxxxxx à bientôt Enjoy ; ))

  4. i had no idea that the balcony was a real place, that's great!

  5. :) it is.. I dont know how real it is.. however regarding the "real" romeo and juliet.. but yep that's where they claim was juliet window.

    ah.. et clau.. je ne suis pas sure encore.. mais bientot ?
