Friday, May 21, 2010


Munich was a great destination. A medium size town… that like many in Germany was completely destroyed during world war two. However Munich, being one of the major Nazi Government points knew they were going to get destroyed and they were quick enough to save all the blue prints and plans of the city. Now a days walking through it, one get the impression that they are walking to an “ancient” city.. ( and ancient in parenthesis, because in Europe almost every place is “ancient” lol Here are some of the places I went to visit:

Marien Platz: Which is pretty much the center of the city, there’s a castle looking building that has a very elaborate clock, and every day at noon it rings, all at the little ( or not so little.. they must of look like three or four feet high from the ground , where I was standing ) figurines.

oh and the Justiz Palast ( palace of justice ) was right near there too.. so I went and checked it out 

Spiezeus Museun: Which is a Toy museum, how exciting does that sound ? lol So I had to check it out… a bit disappointing by the size of it… I was thinking it was going to be as big as like a toy factory… but no.. it was just five room, with old teddy bears, barbies, trains, mini toy soldiers , and metal toys behind glass… Nevertheless it was interesting to see the involvements of teddy and Barbie throughout the years!

Viktualien Market : yep ! you’ve guessed it.. it a market place, held out in the fresh air, everyday except Sunday all summer long, There you can find everything from the latest cheese , sausage, beer, seafood, and local artisans good.
Asamkirche: A Roccocco style church, I’m actually not sure if it went in the right one.. but the one I went it was beautiful, filled with pastel colored marble.

Garther Platz: which was suppose to be were the hopping gay scene of Munich is..but I guess Germans a a bit more conservative.. about their villages.. Then lets say.. Paris, NYC or Montreal is… It didn’t strike me as any different as a regular neighborhood in Munich.

Dachau ( 1st Concentration Camp ): Dachau was the first official concentration camp that was founded right after Hitler was elected in power. The government claimed that it was a work camp, and that its occupants were just lazy Germans that needed to learn how to work properly and then they would be released back into society as better citizens. We now of course know better… in the ten plus years the camp was open , over 200,000 prisoners were registered there.

At first it was political prisoners, communist , then came the homosexual prisoners, the law breakers , and then the Jews. But I was told Dachau was mostly filled with political prisoners… communist… that weren’t necessarily Jews.. To be there was emotionally draining… depressing… filled with negative energy… i was told that over 40,000 ( a lot more died out of that 200,000 but they were shipped to other concentration camps to be terminated.. or to work.. but even then… lots died during the commute) prisoners had died on the grounds I was walking on… some from starvation, some from torture, some were just shot in the back for what seems to me.. as no apparent good reason.. etc .. I spend a good five , six hours walking around …reading all the signs…and expositions.. visiting model “dorms” that showed the different living situations the prisoners were put in.. throughout the years.. and as it got more and more crowded … I could go on and on.. but I won’t let me know if you want to know more.. here's the website of the camp and Definitely go check out the pictures under the NEW photobuket Login: eirelav103 Pass: lorriana under EurotripII > Munich

And to end this post on a more positive note… In Munich I stayed with Phillip , Anna & their kitten lily ! They ‘re a really chilled couple. They took me out to a typical German restaurant one of the nights I was there.. and Yes Simon.. I did the ticky tacky thing lol ! they laughed at the fact that it was known in the states…. But ..apparently its not a all that comment thing to do in Munich… I mean.. oh I almost forgot to mention… Munich is where Oktober Fest ( international Beer festival ) happened every year! Very popular tourist attraction…. But it was no surprised that the local aren’t that fond of it anymore…. Since lots of the tourist can’t actually handle their alcohol and it just becomes a type of drunk fest.. There.. That’s a bit more positive … lol

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, for hanging with the local, ticky tacky. too bad for the drunk fest, it may not be that they are tourists, but that they can't even hold their liquors. lol
