Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Hi readers welcome to my EuroTrip Blog. I wanted to create a different blog for my trip around Europe, because It's a whole new adventure! ( it didn't feel right to keep blogging under Lorriana in Italia ) So work with me.. change your bookmark/favorites from Lorriana in Italia to http://lorrianaineurope.blogspot.com/ and follow me throughout my journey. It's a two month trip, 17 different cities within 8 countries. I'll put up my itinerary in the next post.. Nothing is written in stone,One never knows what life will bring them, especially went they're depending on trains for transport and friends to host them. I'll do my best to post as much as i can whenever I can find an internet point.
Keep me in your positive thoughts and Enjoy!

ps: please feel free to leave me comments, let me know what you think i ought to do next, which landmark or museum I shouldn't past by with out seeing, Its always great to read them.. and feel like you guys are with me!


  1. je te suis tout les jour gros gros bec

  2. Oh Ya L'aventurière! savoure bien tout ces moments! Et imagine toi que je suis dans ton sac à dos et que je partage et je vois tout avec toi et te protège! Je t'aime xxx Bon voyage ma belle! ♥ Je pense à toi! : ))
